
In addition to scheduling, our smart thermostat also saves energy by reacting to your activity. Our Geo-Services feature uses your smartphone location to determine whether you’re home or away, and turns your heating to either ‘comfort’ or ‘savings’ accordingly. You don’t have to lift a finger.  Find out more.



With visitors, packages, and carol-singers, you’re opening your front door a lot at this time of year. Avoid heating the neighborhood excessively with our Smart Thermostat’s auto-setback feature, which sets your thermostat back automatically when a door or window is open for too long. It works in summer too! Find out more.


Less Standby Waste

It’s not just heating an empty house that wastes energy: many everyday devices consume power even when they’re in standby mode. With smart plugs, you can set rules that automatically turn off the power to ‘energy vampire‘ devices like your TV and DVR when you leave home.


Energy Goal-Setting

If you want to go further, gives you plenty of insight and tools to make deeper energy savings.


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