If you want to install a new security system at your home, you may contemplate do-it-yourself (DIY) or professional options. We’ll help you understand the key pros and cons to make your decision easier. 

Every homeowner should take their family’s security needs very seriously. The capabilities of a DIY versus professional system can make all the difference in the safety of your home, loved ones and possessions. 

Explore the key considerations before investing in your next home security system to ensure you select an option that provides adequate protection and gives you true peace of mind.

Why Your Home Needs a Security System

In addition to giving homeowners greater peace of mind and control over their properties, residential security systems are important for the following reasons:

Deterring Property Crime

A leading reason to invest in robust surveillance and alarm solutions is to deter potential criminals. With the right security setup, you can reduce the odds of a home invasion or theft. Robberies are 300% less likely at homes with security systems, making a clear case for why you should consider installing them around your property. 

Protecting Your Family

Security systems can discourage and scare off potential intruders who threaten your family. They also help homeowners detect suspicious or dangerous activity early on, increasing the likelihood of effective mitigation. 

If an emergency occurs, such as a break-in, the alarms can alert you immediately, giving you more time to respond. Some security solutions can monitor activity patterns and send real-time alerts if abnormalities occur. You can stay in the loop whether you’re home or away. 

Boosting Energy Management

Another important purpose of modern home security systems is monitoring and managing your property’s energy usage. 

Many devices are compatible with smart thermostats that enable users to monitor energy consumption and control settings remotely to optimize efficiency. 

Automated solutions can create schedules and respond to triggers to combat unnecessary power utilization. Optimizing energy management can save considerable utility costs and reduce your property’s carbon footprint. 

What Is DIY Home Security?

DIY home security refers to purchasing, installing and monitoring security devices and systems independently, without the help of a professional. Popular examples of DIY home security solutions include:

  • Cameras
  • Alarms
  • Sensors
  • Lights

Most DIY home security systems work with a mobile application that users can access on their smartphones. 

How Do DIY Home Security Systems Work?

When tackling home security without a service provider, you’ll strategically place devices around your property to monitor activity. Motion-activated lights will illuminate upon sensing movement. When DIY cameras or sensors pick up on activity, you’ll typically receive a notification on your mobile device. With advanced DIY systems, you may also be able to pick settings to trigger an alarm if a certain action occurs, such as a particular door opening or glass breaking.

Understanding a DIY home security camera system’s pros and cons can help determine whether these solutions suit your family’s needs.

Pros of DIY Security Systems

Explore the key advantages of having a DIY security system below.

Upfront Costs

If you’re on a tight budget, tackling home security alone may seem like a good idea. These systems have lower upfront costs because you are responsible for installation instead of paying a professional. The devices for DIY solutions are also not as high-quality or advanced as the ones you’d get from a trusted provider, so they tend to be more affordable.

Remember that you get what you pay for when buying DIY security systems. They will not be as accurate or reliable as a professional option. 

Mobile App Monitoring

Another perk of DIY systems is having monitoring capabilities at your fingertips. If you are not home and have cameras set up, you can still see what’s going on on your property in real-time and receive notifications about activity at your home. 

Some systems also allow you to sound an alarm or talk through the device remotely. For instance, if you were at the grocery store and got an alert that someone was in your backyard, you could check the cameras and scare off the intruder with an alarm or by telling them you’ve called the police through the device speaker.


You can move DIY security systems to meet different needs around your property. Unlike some professional options, DIY solutions are often portable and wireless, so you can change their positioning or move them as needed. This gives homeowners more ongoing control over where they set up their cameras, sensors, alarms and lights. 

Cons of DIY Security Systems

Despite the pros outlined above, you may still be asking yourself, how secure are DIY home security systems? Check out the cons of these solutions to learn more about where DIY options fall short.

No Professional Installation

A major disadvantage of investing in a DIY home security system is doing the work alone. Homeowners often run into hurdles with accessibility and proper positioning that can make the installation process a huge headache. Finding the perfect spot for each device, ensuring your Wi-Fi reaches and drilling into your house can quickly become challenging. Professional installation eliminates all of these installation struggles. 

Integration Challenges

Some do-it-yourself security systems can integrate with your home’s smart devices, like thermostats or voice assistants, to offer more comprehensive monitoring and control. However, figuring out how to connect these solutions seamlessly can be complex and quickly become a hassle.

If you cannot successfully integrate your security devices with your other systems, you may end up with limited functionality and convenience.

No Monitoring Services

Most DIY security requires homeowners to monitor systems on their own. This means you are responsible for responding to notifications and taking the right actions to mitigate threats, such as calling the police or sounding an alarm. 

A huge downside of not having professional monitoring services is missing important alerts. If you are sleeping or busy and away from your phone, you may be unable to take immediate action.

Limited Technical Support

Another con of DIY security systems is maintaining the device and software by yourself. If you have technical issues, you may tackle troubleshooting solo or wait for customer service to get in touch. 

Updating your systems can be time-consuming, and you may not have the technical expertise to manage your systems alone. Without a professional’s help, you may have to deal with inconvenient downtime and missed events.


DIY home security systems are also less reliable than professional solutions. Their technology tends to be less advanced and dependable, meaning you could get false alarms, or the system could fail to alert you during an incident. 

Reliability is not something you should compromise when it comes to home security. These systems need to be your eyes and ears, whether you are home or away. DIY solutions can be a gamble — one that is not worth taking.

Professional Home Security Systems

When working with a professional home security solutions provider, homeowners can team up with experts to ensure their properties are secure around the clock. 

A trusted security company will visit your home and assess your unique security needs. They will provide high-tech devices that support improved accuracy and precision, enhancing your home’s overall protection. Installation experts can determine the most strategic placement of your security devices for comprehensive coverage of your entire space.

Robust professional home security systems also provide 24/7 monitoring services, so there are always eyes on your property. You can rely on these teams to contact the authorities should an intruder trespass or a break-in occur. 

Advanced smoke and fire alarms from professional security providers can help you keep your family and possessions safer, giving homeowners enhanced peace of mind. You also get professional service and troubleshooting if an issue arises with your professional system to ensure your devices are always working at their best.

The Advantages of Professional Security Systems

The Advantages of Professional Security Systems

Investing in professional home security can provide homeowners with the following benefits:

Expert Installation

A huge perk of professional security systems is expert installation. Working with an experienced technician can streamline the entire process, from finding the perfect positioning of your cameras to ensuring devices are securely mounted around your property. 

Home security experts can strategically set up your systems to ensure comprehensive coverage of your property for maximum effectiveness. With their help, your systems will be more functional and save homeowners time and energy spent setting up complex equipment themselves.

Round-the-Clock Monitoring

A huge advantage of having professional home security is 24/7 monitoring by trained professionals who understand the warning signs of emergencies and intrusions. 

If an event takes place on your property that triggers an alarm, the monitoring staff can quickly assess the situation. They can quickly take the appropriate action, like calling emergency services or dispatching personnel to your home, to ensure the greatest level of safety. 

Enhanced Reliability

Thanks to round-the-clock monitoring, advanced technologies and highly trained equipment technicians, professional home security is also much more reliable. You can feel good knowing your system supports faster response times and enhanced durability compared to DIY security solutions. 

When you choose a security setup for your home, reliability should be a top priority. Homeowners can have confidence in their professional systems.

Advanced Technology

Professional security system technology is far more advanced than DIY solutions. You can get high-definition cameras, motion sensors, smart locks and integrated automation capabilities that allow you to access and control your system remotely. 

These solutions also sometimes provide environmental monitoring, giving your home an additional layer of protection to combat issues such as carbon monoxide or water leaks. 

Customer Support

Investing in professional security also means you get access to dedicated customer support to ensure your system is always in working order. You can rely on their help for troubleshooting issues or understanding important features.

Customer service personnel have the expertise and know-how to help you out, and you can always have a professional technician stop by to assist if your system needs updating or fixing.

Insurance Savings 

Homeowners can also benefit from lower insurance rates by investing in professional security systems. This contributes to better long-term cost savings and can make professional solutions more cost-effective than DIY security. 

Your system demonstrates to insurance providers that you are taking proactive steps to protect your property, and some companies will reward you by extending better premiums. 

Comprehensive Protection

A significant advantage of choosing professional security is knowing your home has comprehensive coverage and protection. Whether you’re sleeping, on vacation or having a night in with your kids, you can feel good knowing someone has your back and will take action if a criminal threatens your home. 

The sense of security with professional solutions is unparalleled. DIY systems cannot provide the same holistic protection.

Increased Home Value

Another pro of investing in your top-notch security solutions is increasing your property’s value. If you’re looking to sell in the near future, security is a worthwhile investment that can attract potential homebuyers. 

Buyers will also appreciate the integrated smart features, and you may be able to reap a generous return on investment. 

DIY Home Security vs. Professional Home Security

When making your final decision to invest in either a DIY or professional home security system, explore these key considerations:

  • Local crime rates: Consider your area and its average crime rates. You may choose DIY options for added protection if you live in a particularly safe neighborhood or a gated community. However, remember that crime can happen anywhere, at any time. A professional system will provide you with advanced security that a DIY system just cannot compete with.
  • Coverage needs: Larger or more complex properties can be challenging to monitor with DIY systems. Finding the right locations for your devices to get full coverage can be next to impossible, and you may have to invest in more cameras, sensors, lights and alarms than you originally planned. Professional security can tackle any type of home and yard, ensuring you have eyes and ears everywhere. 
  • Budget: DIY systems can quickly become expensive if you have to invest in add-ons and additional devices. Professional options tend to be more cost-effective in the long run and better protect your property against theft.
  • Convenience: Professional home security is more convenient. You can rest easy knowing someone is always watching over your home and ready to take action if needed. DIY solutions require you to constantly monitor your cameras and systems to ensure safety.

Is DIY Home Security Worth It?

When comparing DIY vs. professional home security, there is a clear winner. 

Professional options are always best if you’re looking for advanced home security to give your family greater peace of mind and protection. You can enjoy enhanced monitoring and coverage of your property, ensuring that you are always one step ahead of a potential perpetrator. 

Contact Lloyd Security for a Free Quote Today

Contact Lloyd Security for a Free Quote Today

Lloyd Security helps homeowners in Minneapolis and St. Paul protect their properties with professional residential security systems. We have over a decade of experience in home and commercial security. 

We sell various high-tech products to create comprehensive protection, including access control systems, surveillance cameras, fire alarms, motion sensors and more. Our team installs your systems and gives you even greater peace of mind with ongoing assistance and Lil Lloyd’s Help Center to keep your security systems ready when needed.

Are you interested in securing your home? Contact Lloyd Security for a free quote today.